Consistent Color – What a Relief 

You shouldn’t have to worry about the colors of your food or pharmaceutical products being off. DyStar has been making Regulated Dyes and Lakes in the USA for over a century. Unlike natural colors, DyStar colors provide stability and dependability under any temperature or pH range. If oxidation or light stability are concerns, the DyStar Regulated Dyes and Lakes are the answer for your application!

DyStar Regulated Dyes

Consistently recreate exact shades in your cough syrup, soft drinks, cereal, and more with DyStar’s highly regulated, incredibly stable, water-soluble dyes. These dyes provide high tinctorial strength with excellent heat and light stability to maintain brilliant color over time.

DyStar Regulated Lakes

Experience excellent pigment like behavior and color by dispersion with DyStar Lakes. These insoluble lakes are designed to eliminate color bleeding in water systems and disperse easily in high-fat systems. Perfect for your next film-coated tablet, powder beverage mix, cake decorations, and more!

Stay Consistent and Persistent with Azelis & DyStar

With DyStar Regulated Dyes and Lakes, your consumers won’t ever question whether your product offering is “off” due to color changes. Marcor is ready to provide these USA made products when you need them.

Have Questions? We’re here to help!

Both Azelis Food & Nutrition and Pharma & Healthcare divisions have technical experts that can help you with your next big project. We are ready to share our knowledge and experience with you!

Talk to one of our technical experts to get started today!